Dear parents and students,
‘One day a man was passing by a garden when he saw a butterfly cocoon which was about to open. He saw an opening and watched the struggles of the butterfly to come through. After many hours, it seemed there was no progress. So, the man thought to help the butterfly by cutting the cocoon open. The butterfly was able to come out easily without that struggle but the wings shriveled and its tiny body withered. Unfortunately, the butterfly could not take its flight.’ This is nature’s way of telling the importance of struggles in life. Sometimes, struggles are required in life to make one stronger and they are opportunities for growth. Similarly, we all have our own unique characteristics. Things happen only when they are meant to. Remember that flowers don’t grow from the moment a seed is planted. There is no race or competition. Everyone’s life is unique. The secret is to not give up. The task of our school is to make future ready, strong, decision makers, and so we stimulate the learners to put in good efforts by providing the right stimulus so that they are able to make the right choices and become responsible citizens for the nation and the world. The mission and vision of our school promotes holistic development, opportunities for active participation, allowing them to be thinkers, innovators and problem-solvers. At the core, the school believes in giving a purpose to learning by amalgamating the much-required skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed to be critically important to success in today’s world. DAVCAE’s curated curriculum program which follows the CBSE syllabus, focuses to make the learning skills of students proficient. The co-scholastic activities of the school also focus on projects, sports, arts, music, MUN involving students to represent the school at a plethora of platforms: one of them being DAV National Sports. In our journey since 2004, the school is committed to provide avenues to create lifelong learners for society. We believe, the future thrives in our classrooms and hence, with the evolution of time, and the increasing demands in the academic sphere, the school has already aimed at strengthening academics by implementing NEP 2020 and NCrF 2023 placing the NCF into focus through intensive capacity building workshops for teachers, to foster learning, exploration, innovation in the academic precincts so that students in our care can understand the vast realm of possibilities and opportunities that exist for their betterment. We understand children; we believe in their infinite potential and we recognize the need to provide our pupils with a gamut of learning experiences.
Stay strong! Stay positive!
Principal / ARO-Zone A
Seema Maindiratta